My game Born Fighters is now on IGF Yea. The Competition is steep and wild! Lots of great games there. I aim to stomp the others ^_^. hp?id=560.
There are so many talented work on that page I almost feel like dying. I do hope to at least be nominated. Good luck to any others who submitted their games.
fighting games are rare and hard to pull off in flash, so kudos on atleast giving it a go. i think the sound effects feel kind of forgettable. Dunno if that was just a bad record quality on the youtube tho
Neochilds (Updated )
Thanks Luis for peeping my post, I guess if you feel the effects may be forgettable I may have to work on that Asap. I think the reason for that is the fact that I had to re-compress the audio which makes the actual sound take a really disgusting hit. But I will definitely look into what you noticed. Hey a critique can be taken either way but one should always take something away from it. Thanks again Luis.