Yup you read that right, my bro the writer of the series just penned a sweet mix and it sounds great thus far. A few fixes here and there and this should be the final episode for this short series. I will be upping the bar yet again on this one, and aiming to add more frame by frame animation for the characters and try to ensure that most of the problems mentioned for the last are not replicated in this final chapter. I wish I could let you hear this mix but alas I cannot until I have a good portion finished myself. I may do a 7 sec drop but not yet. So much work ahead and I will be away on some tech project for a few weeks. So as soon as I have time it will be on. Keep your eyes peeled as PAtrolling part III is entering pre or is it post production phase.. I don't remember anyway. I will be doing some teaser art for patrolling part III have not done much in a while since Cosmic and part I. Damn almost forgot about Cosmic Part II, I have not had the time to pen that as I just wrapped PAtrolling part II art so as soon as I have some time Part II of COsmic will be penned.