DAMN this was freaking awesome.
DAMN this was freaking awesome.
Hahahahah forget logic this is an animation have fun thanks for sharing Ricepirate ahahaha. Some people just love spewing their logic when this is meant to be a humorous gag. Great use of Zelda's theme :)
TOtal madness, I love the randomness of this cartoon. That was totally unexpected hahaaha.
The Good, the bad and the ugly.
The good- decent voice acting, decent story(pretty a-typical hero anime like eh mech series.
The bad-----
The colors are too flat there is no level of depth, you need to use depth tricks to convey a measure of depth and it's not that hard simply have a 80 % black to 0% gradient, place this between the characters and background or however you want to use it. The characters designs also are a bit weak but bearable and the animation is just wonky.
Sometimes a bit too monotone with the voices but bearable
The Ugly- Well I can't say there was anything ugly.
All in all you were able to put out an animation regardless of other factors and that is an achievement. My thing is as you create something always try to make it better, don't settle for a sub-par method and I believe you are settling when it can be better. Keep at it and I hope to see some better work. Lets see where this mech series goes.
I was totally caught of guard with this animation great job a very good laugh I would have to say. Totally expected but also unexpected hahaaha.
i really appreciate it. thanks, bro
Been avoiding reviews but this was just way too funny, awesome job on this. Humor thumbs up, art thumbs up. Everything else also gets a thumbs up.
BWHAHAHA so short and soooo sweet ahahahahaha. Excellent.
HOOOOOOLLLYY BAT SHIT THIS WAS OOOFFFF THE CHAIN. WOW TOTALLY BLOW AWAY!!!!. YOU GET ALL MY STARS DAMN!>> AT First when I saw the start screen I was thinking ok here is a pile of... WHAT THE HELL DAMN THIS IS CRAZY. This is really awesome.
As soon as I hear JOhnny Utah I died laughing. This was epic.
AAAAAAHHHH THIS JOINT WAS HELLA FUNNY, NO need for me to review. It was simply awesome.
Long line in the running mate realizing that the world of 2d is now being killed by the forever glorified 3d. So a blending of both is the only thing that keep 2d alive. "well then roll with the times"
Age 44, Male
animator-game dev
West COAST!!!!!
Joined on 5/12/01